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Welcome to Key Business Essentials, LLC

Lancaster County's Premier Single-Source Solution for Small Business Owners.



At KBE our commitment is to our clients' success, whether we reduce your tax liability, improve your business profitability, help you navigate employment law compliance or ensure that your bookkeeping records are accurate and up-to-date.  Our team is here to help you protect and grow your business or non-profit with timely, accurate and customizable financial and human resource solutions.



Learn more about who we are.

Maintaining positive cash flow is the lifeblood of a business – a cash crisis can be challenging if not devastating to a small business. If you’ve ever had to scramble to make tomorrow’s payroll or your company is experiencing rapid growth and outgrowing your resources you know what we mean.  Let KBE help you optimize your financial performance!

Cash flow management is essential to a good financial reporting system yet many small business owners operate without one.  KBE can help you develop short-term solutions to help you manage daily cash as well as, long-term cash flow planning to help you map out the capital strategies necessary to meet your business needs.  The first step to avoiding a cash crisis is creating an accurate cash flow projection and just one of the many cash management services KBE provides. 

Whether cash flow can be improved by a better invoicing, establishing an appropriate line of credit or an improved financial reporting system KBE has customizable financial services solutions to meet all of your business needs.  Please call or email us today for more information on any of the following services:


  • Invoicing your Customers

  • Paying your bills

  • Updating bank account activity

  • Cash Flow management

  • Inventory control

  • Project/Job Costing

  • Payroll

  • Posting and reconciling Credit Card Accounts


Click here to learn more about our services >> 


Human Resource Solutions

A recent study by Leadership IQ (reported in Fortune and Forbes) found that 46% of newly hired employees will fail with 18 months. 


If you’re the individual responsible for hiring employees in your small business or nonprofit these statistics may not surprise you.  But did you know that the reason why new hires fail is not because they lack the necessary technical skills; instead, poor interpersonal skill such as coachability, emotional intelligence, motivation and temperament topped the list. 


Whether you want to outsource all or part of your recruiting and onboarding functions, KBE has customizable solutions for all of your hiring needs.  Call or email us today for more information on any of the following services:


  • Recruiment, Selection and Onboarding

  • Employee Handbooks, Policies and Procedures

  • HR Audits

  • Employee and Labor Relations

  • Job Description Service

  • Federal and State Compliance Assistance


Click here to learn more about our services >> 




Bookkeeping & Accounting

We're proud of our professional memberships with the following organizations:

​© 2013 by Key Business Essentials, LLC. All rights reserved.


Key Business Essentials, LLC.
442 Trena Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17601

Fax: 717-569-3949

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